an existentialist prick's babble

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Pretense, it seems, isn't an effective weapon against cold. For the past couple of weeks I have been pretending as if Summer didn't suddenly abandon us at the end of, well, Summer. 'It's not cold, I'm alright' says I, clad only with a T-shirt, despite the goosebumps. Today my bravery pays a visit in the form of sneezes, coughs, a sore throat, and weak knees. There is an upside to all this. I found out that my father and I have identical sneezes. I'm sure I can make £1,000,000,000 from this somehow but it hasn't dawned on me how yet. If it does, you'll notice cause I'll pimp up my blog, rudeboy style. Roll on gold-coated Nikey baseball caps.

PS: The image above is the result of 7 years of art&design education. I'm proud.


  • At 10/24/2005 5:12 PM, Blogger Networkchic said…

    Didn't your mother teach you not to go outside without your coat on? bad bad boy.

    glad your education is put to work.

  • At 10/24/2005 11:32 PM, Blogger positronic said…

    nwc, had to do something with the education. It seems knowing design isn't that much of a biggie in the Cypriot architecture scene.

    wdky, As I am doing right now. Men do get sick rather pathetically.


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