an existentialist prick's babble

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I have a problem. I recently gave advice to a friend, on whether she should or shouldn't break up with her long distance boyfriend. They have seen each other only a couple of times for the last THREE SODDING YEARS!!! There is a guy about who is interested in her. He is more promising imho. And as any friend would do I asked if she would be interested in this other guy if she were to end her on-paper relationship. The answer was yes. I told her to break up with the long-distance. "Why is this a problem to you?" I hear you ask. The problem is that I kind of like this girl more than a friend would. (I fancy her) We talked about this a while back and she said she didn't want to risk the friendship, which means 'sorry mate, not my type' in every guys book, but I have issues of letting go. A part of me is blaming me for ruining any chance I might have had by telling her to give this new guy a chance, another is blaming me for thinking like that, this other part is blaming me for fancying a friend, and a last minority part is telling me I did OK, and asking the others to cut me some slack. The question is, which part sounds right?
PS: How I find the nerve to give people relationship advice I'll never know.


  • At 10/18/2005 11:25 AM, Blogger Kate B. said…

    Good for you pos. Getting possessive with a girl is just going to turn her off the friendship as well as anything you might prefer. Just be her mate and look elsewhere for the romance / sex / whatever it is that rocks your boat!

  • At 10/18/2005 11:28 AM, Blogger Kate B. said…

    oh yeah, and pos, send your email address to lastnightidreamtofyou@gmail.com and I'll sort out your request from yesterday.

  • At 10/18/2005 10:00 PM, Blogger positronic said…

    Thanks it's all about me. You're probably right. Thanks for the chocs as well :-)

  • At 10/19/2005 7:42 PM, Blogger .- said…

    it's all good


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