I hate dentists. (If a dentist is reading this please forgive me for saying so but I'm in a lot of pain caused by one of your kind) A dentist at the moment is the only kind of person who can make me think there is something fundamentally wrong with the basic human design. Firstly, our mouths are filled with dozens of small calcium based (correct me if I'm wrong) THINGs which help us cut crunch and chew our food. So far so good. Here is the catch. THEY ROT BEHIND YOUR BACK!!! And as if that wasn't enough there are nerves going through these useful cutting chewing things we call teeth, to let us know when something is wrong with them. Dynamite on paper. But guess how these nerves let you know when something is wrong with your teeth. PAIN. Very very primitive no? There are chewing toys for pets which clean their teeth. Why can't we have the same? 'Because we can brush our teeth and pets can't' Oh for pitys sake. And guess how a DENTIST (see photo) helps you get through your predicament. HE GIVES YOU MORE PAIN. Lovely. My Valentines Day present this year consists of a botched up filling, a half arsed cavity treatment and a badly executed hence in-effective local anaesthetic injection as a side order. To cut a long story short, I want to die but there's no need to worry. This pain will definitely kill me.